Books Free Magnetized: Conversations with a Serial Killer Download

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Magnetized: Conversations with a Serial Killer Hardcover | Pages: 192 pages
Rating: 3.92 | 444 Users | 72 Reviews

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Title:Magnetized: Conversations with a Serial Killer
Author:Carlos Busqued
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 192 pages
Published:Expected publication: June 2nd 2020 by Catapult (first published February 21st 2018)
Categories:Crime. True Crime. Nonfiction

Narration During Books Magnetized: Conversations with a Serial Killer

Over the course of one ghostly week in September 1982, the bodies of four taxi drivers were found in Buenos Aires, each murder carried out with the same cold precision. The assailant: a nineteen-year-old boy, odd and taciturn, who gave the impression of being completely sane. But the crimes themselves were not: four murders, as exact as they were senseless.

More than thirty years later, Argentine author Carlos Busqued began visiting Ricardo Melogno, the serial killer, in prison. Their conversations return to the nebulous era of the crimes and a story full of missing pieces. The result is a book at once hypnotic and unnerving, constructed from forensic documents, newspaper clippings, and interviews with Melogno himself. Without imposing judgment, Busqued allows for the killer to describe his way of retreating from the world and to explain his crimes as best he can. In his own words, Melogno recalls a visit from Pope Francis, grim depictions of daily life in prison, and childhood remembrances of an unloving mother who drove her son to Brazil to study witchcraft. As these conversations progress, the focus slowly shifts from the crimes themselves, to Melogno’s mistreatment and mis-diagnosis while in prison, to his current fate: incarcerated in perpetuity despite having served his full sentence.

Magnetized is a riveting psychological portrait—a captivating story about one man’s crimes, but also about a way to inhabit the world, or to become absent from it.

Point Books Toward Magnetized: Conversations with a Serial Killer

Original Title: Magnetizado
ISBN: 1948226685 (ISBN13: 9781948226684)
Edition Language: English

Rating Epithetical Books Magnetized: Conversations with a Serial Killer
Ratings: 3.92 From 444 Users | 72 Reviews

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Viste todas esas series sobre asesinos, ejem, seriales? Filtrá las que tengan componentes sobrenaturales. Filtrá las que sean de época. Filtrá las que tengan 4 o más estrellas. Bueno, ahora imaginate que la estás viendo en el celu, viajás por Mataderos, calle empedrada, en un taxi Fiat 125 con tapizado de cuerina. Una estampita colgada del espejo retrovisor baila con el repiqueteo del auto. Mirás por la ventanilla, afuera es de noche, hay neblina. Cuando tus ojos vuelven al celular, el celular

"La única expectativa que tengo, la única deuda trascendental, es ser una persona. Yo fuí una cucaracha. Y después un monstruo. Y después un preso.Me gustaría ser una persona. O sea, no ocultar lo que fuí, pero... ser una persona común. Cuanto más pueda desaparecer entre la gente, mejor.Esa deuda pendiente, de ser uno más. Perdido en el montón."Rankea fuerte para el top 10 del año y de la vida. Un libro de entrevistas con un asesino real, una vista a lo más íntimo de la infancia de un

Author Carlos Busqued started looking into the four murders of taxi drivers in Buenos Aires that happened back in 1982, spread out over a week. Then he moves on to the murderer. The man who is in prison for the killings is Ricardo Melogno, who was just 19 at the time it happened over 30 years ago. This is an interesting true crime book about a killer in a foreign country. I enjoy this type of book that has input from the killer in interviews. It tells what his time has been like in various

Satisfizo cada arista del morbo medioclasista que tengo. Muy entretenido, se lee rapidísimo y no lo querés soltar. Ricardo, el asesino, dice cosas geniales. Busqued, el escritor, dice bastante poco.

Author Carlos Busqued started looking into the four murders of taxi drivers in Buenos Aires that happened back in 1982, spread out over a week. Then he moves on to the murderer. The man who is in prison for the killings is Ricardo Melogno, who was just 19 at the time it happened over 30 years ago. This is an interesting true crime book about a killer in a foreign country. I enjoy this type of book that has input from the killer in interviews. It tells what his time has been like in various

Excelente Busqued como entrevistador y como narrador!Le saca jugo a la historia de Ricardo Melogno como pocos. Me hizo acordar un poco a "El adversario " y por la temática también a "Antes del huracán ". Aparte de retratar la vida de Melogno antes de que cometiera los crímenes muestra lo que pasó con él después de los asesinatos. Se pone el énfasis en el sistema judicial, penal y el de salud mental. Da la impresión de que en esos lugares poco importa el ser humano.


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