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Original Title: The Do-Over ASIN B00FQ134MY
Edition Language: English
Characters: Kyle Manchester, Lanie Carmichael, Brad Jansen, Cassie Miller
Setting: Chicago, Illinois(United States)
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The Do-Over Kindle Edition | Pages: 227 pages
Rating: 4.01 | 10419 Users | 891 Reviews

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Arrogant womanizer Kyle Manchester hates blind dates; however, when best friend, Brad calls in a favor, insisting Kyle take out his girlfriend’s sister, Kyle reluctantly agrees. Attorney Lanie Carmichael’s appearance is no surprise. She is dowdy, awkward, and dressed in so many layers she resembles a wedding cake, but not in an edible way. Her brazen attitude though, astonishes him, especially when she explains she has no interest in gorgeous Kyle. Lanie Carmichael is in love with Brad, and wants Kyle’s assistance in winning his best friend’s heart.

Kyle gradually accepts, justifying that the mystery of Lanie has sparked his natural, thirsty curiosity. As an ambitious journalist, he also can’t resist the Pulitzer worthy scoop she offers him. However, as Lanie sheds more layers, both emotionally and physically, Kyle begins to examine his life choices, and his true feelings for this enigmatic girl. With Kyle’s support, Lanie begins to unravel the secrets of her past, and the deep pain that has quietly defined her life. As they each learn more about themselves and each other, both question how a relationship built on fraudulent lies between two broken people could ever survive.

List Based On Books The Do-Over

Title:The Do-Over
Author:M.K. Schiller
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 227 pages
Published:October 7th 2013 by Loose Id
Categories:Romance. Contemporary Romance. Contemporary. Humor. Womens Fiction. Chick Lit. Adult

Rating Based On Books The Do-Over
Ratings: 4.01 From 10419 Users | 891 Reviews

Piece Based On Books The Do-Over
4.5 Stars!!! Imagine my surprise when I discovered M.K. Schiller had a new book out?!?!?! It wasn't even on Goodreads....I stumbled upon it on Amazon. And I LOVE LOVE LOVED The Other C-Word! The Do-Over was like Sex-Ed 101....and as another friend pointed out (thanks Sara) also reminded me of the movie 27 Dresses. The story revolves around 4 characters for the most part--Brad, Kyle (the hero), Lanie (the heroine) and Cassie. Lanie--28 year old virgin lawyer, hiding behind frumpy clothes.

3.5 starsAll-in-all a cute and enjoyable read. Yes, it's fairly predictable (what romance isn't?) and it's pretty full of well-worn tropes and clichés. But, it's still fun with two very likable protagonists. Can't add much more to what's already been said in other reviews. But if you enjoy contemporary romances, à la My Fair Lady, where the heroine goes from'll enjoy The Do-Over .Steam: 3-3.5*Thanks for the original rec, Stephanie.....and to everyone else for the next

5 Forking Laugh Out Loud Stars I'm not into set ups. You know that.""Lanie is very nice. She's an attorney too and works at my firm. She's very successful.""Yep, and I bet she wears granny panties.""You're disgusting. Do you know how offensive you are?""Offensive? To grandmas?""She's not bad looking.""Yeah, well, 'not bad looking' doesn't mean good-looking, and even if it did, that's way below hot." That quote there? I was pretty much sold into the story the second I read that. 3% in, and I

♥♥♥ 4.5 "I forking LOVED it!!" stars ♥♥♥ ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●"I'm in love with Brad.""What?""Yes, I love Brad, and you're Brad's best friend. Or at least a close friend, and I thought maybe you could help me.""...Then I guess we have an understanding.""We do."●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ● Just from the blurb alone, I knew I would really enjoy this book. I'm glad to say that this book didn't disappoint all. I loved it!!The story

4.5 Fantastic, Fun Stars! Humor and steam are two of my favorite combinations and this book delivers! It's very well written and the mixture of passion, romance, tenderness and laughter is served up in spades.Lanie Carmichael is an intelligent, young attorney whose appearance can only be described as frumpy. Her outdated, mismatched, baggy apparel leaves much to be desired and while her outer shell may have you thinking mousy as well as uninteresting, looks can be deceiving. As the physical

Surprisingly angsty. And just freakin adorable.

4 Totally Enjoyable Trans-formative Stars * * * * I love my GR feed... yes, I said it. I love seeing all of the books and personal comments from my friends and their friends updating my page. My page is a window to so many things... trends in the types of books which are hot... information which I value about what they are reading and wonderfully entertaining reviews.... some of which are on the scale of any blockbuster playing on the silver screen. I have learned who has similar tastes to mine


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