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Framed (Swindle #3) Hardcover | Pages: 240 pages
Rating: 4.11 | 4464 Users | 301 Reviews

Details About Books Framed (Swindle #3)

Title:Framed (Swindle #3)
Author:Gordon Korman
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 240 pages
Published:September 1st 2010 by Scholastic Press (first published January 1st 2010)
Categories:Mystery. Fiction. Realistic Fiction. Childrens. Adventure. Middle Grade. Juvenile

Narration Supposing Books Framed (Swindle #3)

The sequel to Gordon Korman's ZOOBREAK - Griffin Bing, the Man with a Plan, has been framed!
Griffin Bing's new principal doesn't like him. And Griffin doesn't like the boot camp football atmosphere the new principal has brought. Griffin manages to stay out of trouble -- until a Super Bowl ring disappears from the school's display case, with Griffin's retainer left in its place. Griffin has been framed! Unfortunately, the Man doesn't have a Plan - and everything his team tries to find out who really took the ring backfires. Griffin ends up in an alternate school, then under house arrest, and finally with an electronic anklet.

Describe Books In Pursuance Of Framed (Swindle #3)

ISBN: 0545178495 (ISBN13: 9780545178495)
Edition Language: English
Series: Swindle #3

Rating About Books Framed (Swindle #3)
Ratings: 4.11 From 4464 Users | 301 Reviews

Write Up About Books Framed (Swindle #3)
Good view how Grifin wants the world to be fair. Goes a little past the limits but it always works out in the end. If you like to see justice be done. Read this book. If you like groups conspiring. Read this book.

I have read the other 2 of his books just liek this one these books are interesting to me. It is a mystery book. It takes place at cedarvill middle school. Griffin got framed for something he ddint do and he is sent to jail for kids. And is also put on house arrest. The plot summary is to help griffen prove that he is inisent and get him free and find the stolen super bowl ring. The main problem is that griffen is framed for stealing the super bowl ring. His friends come up with a plan that

I think Framed is a good casual read. It start's with the protaganist Griffin being accused of stealing a Jets Super Bowl ring since his retainer was in the case where the ring was. Griffin was getting many punishments like having to go to another school and having a police detector on his ankle. At the other school Griffin had to start going to he met a boy named Sheldon. He knew that pack rats often take shiny items from places so Griffin made a plan to clear his name. The plan worked and he

It was a very good book. Its for people who like action and twist in books. It has police, animals, Best friends and just good fun. Griffin he gets framed and all evidence points to him... so its up to his best buds and a guy named shank to save him from jail. People who wouldn't like it are people who like serious books. But i thought it was very good.

The book framed is a book about five (Griffin, Ben, Pitch, Melissa, and Savannah) who are trying to protect Savannahs dog Luthor from being put down as a vicious animal, for attacking another dog, her parents are getting sued for 7 million dollars. Savannahs friends rescue the dog from the pound and hide it until they can figure something out. (Spoiler) Savannah doesnt know what they are doing. Savannahs parents take her on a vacation so they can take her mind off it, while Griffin has a plan.

When the school's most prized possession, a Superbowl ring from the 1969 Superbowl Champion New York Jets comes up missing,Griffin Bing is the prime suspect. Finding himself on house arrest, it's up to his friends Ben, Pitch, Savannah, Melissa, Logan, and newcomer Sheldon "Shank" Brickhaus to come up with a plan to locate the missing ring and clear Griffin's name.

Like the other books it was a little boring but at the same time really loving. The thing with this book is that it invites a lot of new characters. The thing I also noticed was that the characters had the same goal every time, witch is ok but I feel that Gordon should change it up a little bit. Even though I thought it was a little boring, you should give it a try and you never know, you might just like it. One more thing, I think the author really did try to entertain people with this book


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