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ISBN: 0758235046 (ISBN13: 9780758235046)
Edition Language: English
Setting: Queens, New York(United States)
Download Free Raising Jake  Audio Books
Raising Jake Paperback | Pages: 341 pages
Rating: 3.72 | 1332 Users | 143 Reviews

Commentary To Books Raising Jake

On a Friday afternoon, Sammy and his son Jake both experience life-changing events within an hour of each other. They spend the rest of the day and the weekend regrouping. They promise each other to answer questions they’ve avoided answering before – and even to answer questions they had avoided asking each other before. They take a ‘road trip’ by city bus to Sammy’s old neighbourhood and because Jake desperately wants to know more about his roots, Sammy shares intimate stories about growing up there and even secrets from his childhood that he had never told to anyone before.

This book is a wonderful fathers and sons story. It is arresting from the very first page and kept me laughing, crying, cringing, and completely fascinated throughout. This book holds some of the richest storytelling I have read and I feel strangely honoured to have been invited into their memories and their world for the time they allowed me to join them.

I highly recommend this book to everyone!

Define Containing Books Raising Jake

Title:Raising Jake
Author:Charlie Carillo
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 341 pages
Published:September 1st 2009 by Kensington Publishing Corporation (first published January 1st 2009)
Categories:Fiction. Contemporary. Family

Rating Containing Books Raising Jake
Ratings: 3.72 From 1332 Users | 143 Reviews

Discuss Containing Books Raising Jake
This is a sweet, funny, sad, warm, witty story of male -bonding and the healing of relationships that takes place during one day of no-holds-barred honesty. I wished I'd have written this one. However, the unrealistic story about the five-year-old Jake confronting his parents about their inevitable divorce, like he'd suddenly morphed into Dr. Phil, was a weak spot that grated like squeaky chalk on a blackboard in an otherwise well-written story about well-developed, very human, very sympathetic

Wow, a good read for 99 cents! With that great price, you even get a look into two father/son relationships and one grandson/grandfather relationship. I like books (fiction or non-fiction) that make me think and examine relationships, situations, etc, in my own life. And I am pleased to say this writer did just that with his words. As the mother of two young boys, I am intrigued by the father/son relationship. I love to watch my husband and boys have their talks and build their foundation that

On a Friday afternoon, Sammy and his son Jake both experience life-changing events within an hour of each other. They spend the rest of the day and the weekend regrouping. They promise each other to answer questions theyve avoided answering before and even to answer questions they had avoided asking each other before. They take a road trip by city bus to Sammys old neighbourhood and because Jake desperately wants to know more about his roots, Sammy shares intimate stories about growing up there

I love the way Charlie Carillo creates an atmosphere that makes you feel like you are in the book with his characters.

I wasn't initially sure, as I read this, whether I liked it or not. It wasn't hard to continue, however. Now that I've finished I've decided that it definitely earned some stars. This was far from my usual fare, although the main characters did comprise a very dysfunctional family! I guess you could describe it as a coming of age tale for the father as well as the son! The author's style was rich in sarcasm, wry observations and dark humor. I never would have selected this book, except that it

After reading One Hit Wonder last year and pretty much hating it, I did not have high hopes for this book. Nevertheless, I went ahead and read it since it was free and received even better ratings than One Hit Wonder, which has pretty good ratings. I am so glad that I gave this book a try and gave Charlie Carillo another chance. I really enjoyed this story.The story happens over a weekend after some unexpected events take place. These events cause the father and son to have more "quality time"

This book started out really promising. A divorced father with a "weekend dad" relationship with his son spends a weekend with his son that not only changes their relationship but both of their lives. It's warm and touching in parts. Flinchingly honest and humorous in other parts. However there were times I found it a little overly sentimental and schmaltzy. Some of the dialogue was just so unrealistic that I couldn't get past how unnatural and implausible it was. Ended well - liked it, didn't


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