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Original Title: La casa de los náufragos
ISBN: 0811218023 (ISBN13: 9780811218023)
Edition Language: English
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The Halfway House Paperback | Pages: 144 pages
Rating: 3.88 | 856 Users | 117 Reviews

Mention Containing Books The Halfway House

Title:The Halfway House
Author:Guillermo Rosales
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 144 pages
Published:May 27th 2009 by New Directions (first published 1987)
Categories:Fiction. Novels

Narrative In Pursuance Of Books The Halfway House

Never before available in English, The Halfway House is a trip to the darkest corners of the human condition. Humiliations, filth, stench, and physical abuse comprise the asphyxiating atmosphere of a halfway house for indigents in Miami where, in a shaken mental state, the writer William Figueras lives after his exile from Cuba. He claims to have gone crazy after the Cuban government judged his first novel “morose, pornographic, and also irreverent, because it dealt harshly with the Communist Party,” and prohibited its publication. By the time he arrives in Miami twenty years later, he is a “toothless, skinny, frightened guy who had to be admitted to a psychiatric ward that very day” instead of the ready-for-success exile his relatives expected to welcome and receive among them. Placed in a halfway house, with its trapped bestial inhabitants and abusive overseers, he enters a hell. Romance appears in the form of Frances, a mentally fragile woman and an angel, with whom he tries to escape in this apocalyptic classic of Cuban literature.

“Behind the hardly one hundred pages,” Canarias Diario stated, “is the work of a tireless fabulist, a writer who delights in language, extracting verbs and adjectives which are powerful enough to stop the reader in his tracks.”

Rating Containing Books The Halfway House
Ratings: 3.88 From 856 Users | 117 Reviews

Judgment Containing Books The Halfway House
I might change this to five stars one day. I'm not feeling very generous with that extra star at the moment though. One of the reviews on the back mentions the amount of cruelty jammed into just a little over 100 pages, and I concur. Like This Way to the Gas Chambers, Ladies and Gentlemen, this book spares no one in the exposure of being a pretty despicable human being. Inside each and every one of us lies a fascist ready to do the worst things imaginable to others and it's just a matter of the

The Halfway House was sad. It tells the story of a Cuban refugee who has come to Miami to live with his family and to have a better life. However, he gets caught in a downward spiral when his family in Miami feels they are unable to help him. He is strange and cannot adjust to his new life. He is then sent to the Halfway House where he is stuck with a cast of mentally ill characters. His moral compass fails him as he sinks to low levels of behavior typical of the house. He feels that it is not

This book is incredibly depressing and dark, however it is so beautifully written and wonderfully vivid, i'd say its one of the best books i've read this year!

The reviews praise this book for exposing the horrors of Miami's board-and-cares (what are apparently called boarding homes there), which I suppose is useful in some ways, but a good newspaper feature would have done it better. I was struck by the author's need to repeat the same detail about each character (other than the two or three main ones) whenever they appeared so that we'd be able to remember who they were. Somehow that doesn't seem like a good sign. And the conclusion was utterly

Reading this short book was especially tragic knowing this gifted author struggled so much personally with mental illness and that he would die by suicide shortly after publication. This story was haunting, revealing the miserable lifestyles of poverty and the abuse of power on the vulnerable sector. The main character seemed to be on the road to recovery. I wish that the author had not destroyed most of his written work before he died.

One Cuban Author sends to America for exile. He starts to live nursing home with semi-intelligent people. In the difficult condition at this place, William holds on the life with his lover Francis. They start to love with each other dramatically. It is nice book.

Unfortunately, I loaned this book out to a friend so I don't have it in front of me and it's been about a month since I read it, so I can't do it justice in a review. But this is a truly harrowing account of the refugee experience and delves into how damaging the revolution in Cuba was to so many people on an emotionally arresting level rivaling Arenas. The degredation and resignation to it that the main character, William Figueras, faces while stuck in a home for the indigent and mentally ill


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