Download Books The Wisdom of the Native Americans: Including The Soul of an Indian and Other Writings of Ohiyesa and the Great Speeches of Red Jacket, Chief Joseph, and Chief Seattle For Free

Download Books The Wisdom of the Native Americans: Including The Soul of an Indian and Other Writings of Ohiyesa and the Great Speeches of Red Jacket, Chief Joseph, and Chief Seattle  For Free
The Wisdom of the Native Americans: Including The Soul of an Indian and Other Writings of Ohiyesa and the Great Speeches of Red Jacket, Chief Joseph, and Chief Seattle Hardcover | Pages: 272 pages
Rating: 4.32 | 851 Users | 74 Reviews

Declare Out Of Books The Wisdom of the Native Americans: Including The Soul of an Indian and Other Writings of Ohiyesa and the Great Speeches of Red Jacket, Chief Joseph, and Chief Seattle

Title:The Wisdom of the Native Americans: Including The Soul of an Indian and Other Writings of Ohiyesa and the Great Speeches of Red Jacket, Chief Joseph, and Chief Seattle
Author:Kent Nerburn
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 272 pages
Published:March 3rd 1999 by New World Library (first published April 1994)
Categories:Nonfiction. History. Philosophy. Spirituality

Narration Conducive To Books The Wisdom of the Native Americans: Including The Soul of an Indian and Other Writings of Ohiyesa and the Great Speeches of Red Jacket, Chief Joseph, and Chief Seattle

This was a very quick, enlightening read. I’m glad I chose to read it before starting on Mayflower/Thanksgiving-related material as it truly sheds a lot of light upon the cultural differences between the Natives and Europeans. It’s also helped me to see—when reading Western accounts of events—the areas where the Europeans misunderstood/lacked the understanding of the cultural differences which likely could’ve prevented feuds on both sides.

The sayings of Ohiyesa (Sioux), Chief Red Jacket (Seneca), Chief Joseph (Nez Percé), and Chief Seattle (Duwamish) are heartfelt and touching, deserving of my utmost appreciation and respect.
I was impressed by their focus on oral tradition, which puts a twist on the idea of absolutely needing to write things down in order to preserve a culture and/or its memories. Their relationship to all living things also gave them a sense of clairvoyance, and their warnings against upsetting the balance of nature seemed to be a foreshadowing of ongoing global warming phenomena.

The most touching thing to me however was that I often felt that the Natives’ spirit was much more in tune with what I’d think of as being true Christianity, particularly if compared to the way the Europeans treated them at the time. I can’t help but wonder how different things might’ve been if the colonialists had realized that instead of letting their superiority complexes ultimately dictate much of their actions.

Some books I read and aren’t worth keeping; this one will most definitely remain in my collection and will come highly recommended.

Be Specific About Books Toward The Wisdom of the Native Americans: Including The Soul of an Indian and Other Writings of Ohiyesa and the Great Speeches of Red Jacket, Chief Joseph, and Chief Seattle

Original Title: The Wisdom of the Native Americans
ISBN: 1577310799 (ISBN13: 9781577310792)
Edition Language: English

Rating Out Of Books The Wisdom of the Native Americans: Including The Soul of an Indian and Other Writings of Ohiyesa and the Great Speeches of Red Jacket, Chief Joseph, and Chief Seattle
Ratings: 4.32 From 851 Users | 74 Reviews

Piece Out Of Books The Wisdom of the Native Americans: Including The Soul of an Indian and Other Writings of Ohiyesa and the Great Speeches of Red Jacket, Chief Joseph, and Chief Seattle
The philosophy and ideas of Native Americans brought to life and in their own words. A great insight into Native American culture using the writings and speeches of some prominent leaders.

There is a great deal to be learned from the elders & this book has been a wonderful read. I'd recommend it to anyone who is interested in Native American culture.

The wisdom from the Native Americans in this compilation is definitely worth absorbing. My only hesitation and concern is the fact that its been compiled by a white historian. I get that his intentions to do so are good, but I still think these quotes, speeches, and other narratives should have been relayed by a native instead.

A great read but painful to readThe treatment of the native American through out US history is a damn shame. We've been repeatedly lied to, robbed and murdered . Our culture was crushed and erased. In Texas, countless tribes were forced off our land and counted among the Mexicans. Many of us took on spanish names even though we spoke no spanish. And yet here we are. Our ceremonies today are mixtures of Apache, Karancuha, Comanche and many others. we even celebrate with an Abenaki song. (Abenaki

This was the best book...filled with wisdom that never grows old. What a different society this would be, had we followed the native American ways. "Silence is the mother of truth, for the silent man was ever to be trusted, while the man ever ready with speech was never taken seriously." - Chief Luther Standing Bear - Teton Sioux. "You must speak straight so that your words may go as sunlight into our hearts." - Cochise (I would give this book many more stars than are available!)

This is a book I keep by my bedside.I dip in and out of it throughout the year and will no doubt continue to do so for always.You don't have to think everything said by a Native American is wise and wonderful - of course it's not - they are only human after all - but there are so many ways that the modern world is forgetting that it would do us good to revisit and remember.It's not rocket science but somehow so many seem to find it such a complicated message to understand.

Good book containing great wisdom. The average rating is by no means a reflection of the actual content, but rather the organization of the book itself. It is too brief in sections and I was hoping for some background on many of the quotes. It does have good historical context for some of their lengthier sections in the back that contain the full text of some famous speeches offered by Native Chiefs such as Chief Joseph. His speech alone is nearly worth the price of the book. Fortunately, this


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