Books The Pretend Boyfriend (The Pretend Boyfriend #1) Download Online Free

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Original Title: The Pretend Boyfriend (Inhumanly Handsome, Humanly Flawed Alpha Male Erotic Romance) ISBN13 9781301086177
Edition Language: English
Series: The Pretend Boyfriend #1
Books The Pretend Boyfriend (The Pretend Boyfriend #1) Download Online Free
The Pretend Boyfriend (The Pretend Boyfriend #1) ebook | Pages: 236 pages
Rating: 3.23 | 812 Users | 79 Reviews

Interpretation Concering Books The Pretend Boyfriend (The Pretend Boyfriend #1)

Samantha Fox is awkward, clumsy and totally in need of a new boyfriend by this weekend. Her younger, prettier sister is getting engaged . . . and all set to make “old maid big sister” Sam feel all crummy and shelved.

Enter Brian Morton. He is bewilderingly gorgeous, fantastically rich, razor-tongued snarky and utterly promiscuous. He was also the bully who made Sam’s middle school life a living hell.

A series of bizarre circumstances culminates in Brian losing a bet. His punishment? To be Sam’s slave for the weekend . . . and to do anything she wants. Sam has just found her pretend boyfriend for her sister’s party. And Brian has just found that the woman he used to call ‘Jaws’ in school (for her braces) packs a helluva bite.

Mention About Books The Pretend Boyfriend (The Pretend Boyfriend #1)

Title:The Pretend Boyfriend (The Pretend Boyfriend #1)
Author:Artemis Hunt
Book Format:ebook
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 236 pages
Published:October 8th 2012 by Artemis Hunt
Categories:Romance. Adult Fiction. Erotica. Contemporary Romance. Contemporary. Adult

Rating About Books The Pretend Boyfriend (The Pretend Boyfriend #1)
Ratings: 3.23 From 812 Users | 79 Reviews

Assessment About Books The Pretend Boyfriend (The Pretend Boyfriend #1)
I don't even know what to think about this book.The main male character was man whore AND an asshole through and through.The main female character was a freaking prude (ok, not EXACTLY, but whatever.I'm pissed, so I can exagerate).Plot? NON EXISTENT, my friend. This whole...thing, seemed like vomit all over the pages. The only thing this book was on and on about, was how much the MMC fucked (excuse my french) EVERY SINGLE THING that had boobs.And the last chapter? I really thoght it was all a

Review for all 4 books in the series***I see a lot of negative posting about this book itself... (Book 1) Yes it ended oddly and I wanted there to be more, in fact I thought I skipped some pages on my kindle app so I searched for more.. I didn't skip any which made me search for a sequel... Read all 4 books in one day. The story is great but the way it is played out in 4 books is not appealing. This is my first series by this author. I would rather not see it played out in 4 short books but

I don't even know why I read this. Oh, wait, I do know. Because the power went out today (the whole day), and it was short, and already on my tablet.I don't even know how it got to my reader. Seriously, what would have compelled me to buy something as shitty and cheesy as this?Anyway, the guy Brian is a manwhore and an asshole, who "doesn't do encores" once he's had sex with a woman. He loses a bet against his best friend and ends up accompanying Sam to her sisters' engagement party, as her

A waste of my time!I thought that the final pages are missing because the end didn't "sound " like an end. The male character is awful without any respect for women he is bassicly a male s...t and we don't get an explication why.

The Worst. This was awful. Don't waste your time.

2 stars Thanks but no thanks. I dont do encores. Thats the ultimate manwhores rule. Brian is handsome, wealthy and confident enough to get away with it, women flock to him just to what the fuss is all about, wanting to tame the un-tamable, only to be left alone and disheveled, making the walk of shame straight for the bar. Sammie is in a bind, her younger sister is getting married and with the help of her mom, they dont hold back criticizing her nonexistent sex life. Sammie falls easily into

Sometimes you just need to read a good romance.


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