Books Download Free Kicauan Burung

Define Epithetical Books Kicauan Burung

Title:Kicauan Burung
Author:Anthony de Mello
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 232 pages
Published:2010 by Awareness Publishing (first published January 1st 2000)
Categories:Spirituality. Nonfiction. Philosophy. Religion. Poetry. Asian Literature. Indonesian Literature. Faith
Books Download Free Kicauan Burung
Kicauan Burung Paperback | Pages: 232 pages
Rating: 4.29 | 1423 Users | 133 Reviews

Explanation In Pursuance Of Books Kicauan Burung

THEOLOGY : The art of telling stories about the Divine. Also the art of listening to them.

A disciple once complained:
"You tell us stories, but you never
reveal their meaning to us."

Said the Master:
"How would you like it if someone
offered you fruit and masticated it
before giving it you?"

It is interesting to note that if something is hard to grasp (or too simple to make sense of) can be understood if told in a form of a story. Similar are spiritual teachings, which are hard to make sense at first (or may be too esoteric), can be understood quite easily if told in a form of a story. And it's precisely on this conviction with which de Mello has written this book: that all esoteric spiritual teachings can be conveyed effectively through simple stories.

There are 123 stories in this book whose sole purpose is to kindle a light in the darkness: to elevate human consciousness. No story is longer than two page, and some are as short as four lines. And each and every story has something important to teach, something to reveal; and they all feel like a breath of fresh air that rejuvenates everything inside you, and for a moment you feel like a free bird, wandering and flying, without any notions in your mind. And sometimes they are devastating: showing you: your ignorance, hypocrisy, in all its nakedness. But above all, they are like a lamp: they show you the Way!

The aim of all these stories is to induce spiritual growth inside the reader. You will find stories that are Buddhist, Christian, Zen, Hasidic, Russian, Chinese, Hindu, Sufi; stories ancient and contemporary.

Highly Recommended!

P.S.: Anthony de Mello was a Jesuit priest, and was a man of rebellious spirit who worshiped only the Truth. He knew the limitations and narrowness of every religion including his own, and never hesitated in criticizing his own church too. (Yet it is to the church he keeps returning, for that was his spiritual home). And he has written this book for people of every persuasion, religious or non-religious. However, he has prescribed to read the stories in the given order if you are reading it for the first time.

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Edition Language: Indonesian

Rating Epithetical Books Kicauan Burung
Ratings: 4.29 From 1423 Users | 133 Reviews

Article Epithetical Books Kicauan Burung
DeMellos books are both soothing and comforting and told in believable short scenarios.

Many of the stories really made me think, pray and have a good long hard look at myself. I love Anthony de Mellos's books and this doesn't disappoint.A book to be read and savoured again and again.

Excellent little book

Some authors are capable of enlightening you, which makes them remarkable.   But some authors give you means to enlighten yourself and others, which makes them even more remarkable.      It is not hard to name a few from the first category who have transformed me greatly. However, I have only encountered one that could go into the second category, which is Anthony De Mello. His way of awakening others is so unique, direct, and concise. He only tells good stories, stories that are short but

Wonderful book for comtemplation. Well suited for brief browsing.

Love his spin on the golden goose story, how some priests insist that golden eggs did exist and how belief in golden egg laying goose becomes mandatory in going to heaven!! I can very well imagine how some atheists will start arguing about how golden eggs cant exist!! :D Its a dig at anti-evolutionists :D Him being Christian priest and all must have been really inconvenient, pope etc must really hate him ;-) Loved all the stories I got, I didnt get a lot of them...the stories are not easy to

What a gem of a book! Am I glad that I read Sanjays review or else it would have been another of those books that would never have seen the light of day, well with me anyway.This book comprises 161 pages of stories, tales and parables that all in their own way leave an explicit message. They are written for everyone regardless of whether or not they are religious and they certainly encourage ones own dreams and choice of direction in life, and even more importantly a spiritual search.The author


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