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Mention Out Of Books All Life Is Problem Solving

Title:All Life Is Problem Solving
Author:Karl Popper
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 184 pages
Published:January 18th 2001 by Routledge (first published 1994)
Categories:Philosophy. Nonfiction. Science. Politics
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All Life Is Problem Solving Paperback | Pages: 184 pages
Rating: 4.09 | 429 Users | 29 Reviews

Relation To Books All Life Is Problem Solving

'Never before has there been so many and such dreadful weapons in so many irresponsible hands.' - Karl Popper, from the Preface
All Life is Problem Solving is a stimulating and provocative selection of Popper's writings on his main preoccupations during the last twenty-five years of his life. This collection illuminates Popper's process of working out key formulations in his theory of science, and indicates his view of the state of the world at the end of the Cold War and after the collapse of communism.

Present Books In Favor Of All Life Is Problem Solving

Original Title: All Life is Problem Solving
ISBN: 0415249929 (ISBN13: 9780415249928)
Edition Language: English

Rating Out Of Books All Life Is Problem Solving
Ratings: 4.09 From 429 Users | 29 Reviews

Weigh Up Out Of Books All Life Is Problem Solving
Hayatımda en çabuk 5 yıldız verdiğim kitap oldu.19-21-31-631) Popper kitapta bilimin 'problem çözmek' ile başladığını ve bilgimizin 'duyu algılarımızla' başladığını düşüncesine karşı çıktığını söylüyor. Örnek olarak, birisi "lütfen saatinizi gözlemleyin" dese ne yapmamız gerektiğini bilmeyiz ama problem sununca işin değişeceğini söylüyor, elbetteki algılarımız problemi belirlemede bize yardımcıdırlar. Bu bana Kuhn'u hatılarttı, zira o da bilimin 'bulmaca çözmek' ile geliştiğini savunuyordu.


هذا النوع من الكتب يجعل عقلي يفكر يتسائل ويبحث عن الإجابات . مازلت في بدايته .لنا عودة لاحقاً. مصطلحاته عميقة لا استطيع فهمها :)

Bilgi üzerine kısmı detaylı ve ince işlenmiş fikirlerle dolu. Bilimin yüzyıllar boyunca nasıl geliştiği ve nasıl olması gerektiği anlatılıyor. Dünyayı 3 farklı faza ayırıp bunlar üzerinden genel bir hipotez kurmaya çalışmış.Tarih ve Politika kısımları ise Batı Avrupa kültürü penceresinden yazılmış, dünyanın geri kalanına hitap edemiyor.

A timeless narrative. A dense read for only 170 pages. Yet, as important now as when the collection of passages was written. In was a good read in a time of Cold War, potential nuclear ends, polar politics, despotism, racism, AIDS, and Marxism. The only difference from an amoeba and a modern human is our capacity to learn from failures. We must look for mistakes and defects. Problem solve in iteration. Be critical. Remain optimistic and create the better future. Be critical of ones own teachers

Perhaps a good place to start in this review of "All Life Is Problem Solving" is to focus on one essay, "Towards an Evolutionary Theory of Knowledge" written in 1989.Karl Popper (1902-1994) elegantly proposes that knowledge is linked to expectations. These expectations express theories of reality. Thus knowledge expresses theories of reality. We as with all living things have propensities to guess reality based on hypotheses which logically and psychologically precede observation. Encounters

بخش اول کتاب به فلسفه علم و معرفت شناسی و مسائل علوم طبیعی میپردازه و بخش دوم هم به تاریخ و سیاست.این کتاب یک مجموعه از 15 سخنرانی و مصاحبه پوپره.اگر با پوپر و نظریاتش آشنایی چندانی ندارید این کتاب میتونه یک دید کلی از نظرات پوپر به شما بده.همیشه با خوندن نظرات پوپر درباره علم به وجد میاومدم و میدیدم که چه نگاه عمیق و خوب و به قول خودش "انتقادی" نسبت به مسائل داره.در بخش دوم هم فعالیتهاش رو درباره مسئله صلح خوندم و دیدم که چقدر تلاش میکرده که واقعگرایانه به مسائل جهانی نگاه کنه."ما چیزی نمی


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