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Mention Containing Books Holding Wonder

Title:Holding Wonder
Author:Zenna Henderson
Book Format:Mass Market
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 301 pages
Published:June 1st 1972 by Avon (first published 1971)
Categories:Science Fiction. Fantasy. Short Stories. Fiction. Science Fiction Fantasy. Speculative Fiction. Anthologies. Collections
Free Holding Wonder  Books Online
Holding Wonder Mass Market | Pages: 301 pages
Rating: 4.32 | 693 Users | 16 Reviews

Interpretation In Pursuance Of Books Holding Wonder

In this many-dimensioned new collection of speculative fiction, Zena Henderson introduces us to a boy who "calls" his mother, despite the fact that the nearest phone is miles away.--and reads the distress call from an orbiting astronaut's mind; to the amazing cures of Aunt Sophronia--pills for the living dead; and to Loo Ree, the imaginary friend of a first grader -- who tuns out to be all too real...

The Indelible Kind (1968)
J-Line to Nowhere (1969)
You Know What, Teacher? (1954)
The Effectives (1965)
Loo Ree (1953)
The Closest School (1960)
Three-Cornered and Secure (1971)
The Taste of Aunt Sophronia (1971)
The Believing Child (1970)
Through a Glass - Darkly (1970)
As Simple as That (1971)
Swept and Garnished (1971)
One of Them (1971)
Sharing Time (1971)
Ad Astra (1971)
Incident After (1971)
The Walls (1971)
Crowning Glory (1971)
Boona on Scancia (1971)
Love Every Third Stir (1971)

Point Books Conducive To Holding Wonder

Original Title: Holding Wonder
ISBN: 0380012510 (ISBN13: 9780380012510)
Edition Language: English

Rating Containing Books Holding Wonder
Ratings: 4.32 From 693 Users | 16 Reviews

Assess Containing Books Holding Wonder
Really engaging, and right up my alley!

loved it again. but did notice how dated it was. women are stay at home people or teachers, long distance rates are cheaper in the evening. it makes me smile at the quaintness

Good old-fashioned science fiction. Nothing as touching as "The Anything Box" (probably her best short story), but an enjoyable collection of stories.

Ms Henderson's books about The People are long time favorites of mine. But, I found this book to drag.... even though it is a series of short stories.

Contents:(1) The Indelible Kind (Vince Kroginold, son of the Cougar Canyon Group, whose immediate family is detached for research purposes).(2)J-Line to Nowhere (In which the city is compared to a coral reef: Everybody is impressed by the massive skeletons, but what about the tiny organic beings who created it?)(3) You Know What, Teacher? (Teachers become repositories of family secrets)(4) The Effectives (So IS prayer subject to analysis?)(5) Loo Ree (cf Wyndham's Chocky)(6) The Closest School

I love Zenna Henderson's storytelling voice, and her abiding hope. Adonday veeah.

Most of the stories are very good - and can be thought provoking. A couple stories I've marked with an X and don't read if I'm down at the time. Doesn't mean they aren't good - but a couple of her stories are not for me.


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