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Free Books Sins of the Angels (Grigori Legacy #1) Online
Sins of the Angels (Grigori Legacy #1) Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 325 pages
Rating: 3.62 | 1595 Users | 280 Reviews

Specify Containing Books Sins of the Angels (Grigori Legacy #1)

Title:Sins of the Angels (Grigori Legacy #1)
Author:Linda Poitevin
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 325 pages
Published:September 27th 2011 by Ace
Categories:Fantasy. Urban Fantasy. Paranormal. Angels. Romance. Paranormal Romance

Commentary To Books Sins of the Angels (Grigori Legacy #1)

A detective with a secret lineage. An undercover Hunter with a bullet-proof soul. And a world made to pay for the sins of an angel...

Homicide detective Alexandra Jarvis answers to no one. Especially not to the new partner assigned to her in the middle of a gruesome serial killer case-a partner who is obstructive, irritatingly magnetic, and arrogant as hell. Aramael is a Power--a hunter of the Fallen Angels. A millennium ago, he sentenced his own brother to eternal exile for crimes against humanity. Now his brother is back and wreaking murderous havoc in the mortal realm. To find him, Aramael must play second to a human police officer who wants nothing to do with him and whose very bloodline threatens both his mission and his soul.

Now, faced with a fallen angel hell-bent on triggering the apocalypse, Alex and Aramael have no choice but to join forces, because only together can they stop the end of days.

Mention Books During Sins of the Angels (Grigori Legacy #1)

Edition Language: English
Series: Grigori Legacy #1
Characters: Alexandra Jarvis, Aramael, Mittron, Seth Benjamin

Rating Containing Books Sins of the Angels (Grigori Legacy #1)
Ratings: 3.62 From 1595 Users | 280 Reviews

Write-Up Containing Books Sins of the Angels (Grigori Legacy #1)
Short review: Wow, with her debut novel Linda Poitevin made her entrance into the world of writers with a BANG! Yep, all capitals. Such a thrilling and amazing start to the series, that I couldn't put it down and read until 3am when I hit the last page. Of course the breath I released wasn't much of a relieved and satisfied one as Linda Poitevin left us with a heartattack inducing cliffhanger ending, but it was the perfect conclusion to the first instalment! I SO cannot wait for more!!Detailed

This book would have been vastly improved if it hadn't been angels, God, and/or heaven. Aliens, maybe. Or, I dunno, wizards. By invoking biblical naming, however, you expect some of the biblical concepts of angels and heaven to apply: things like love, compassion, or even justice. Instead, we have a venal heaven run through privilege, manipulation, scheming, ambition, and rage. Oh, and one where "love" was completely removed eons ago because it's a weakness. Right. God removed love from heaven

This book had the seed of a good story. Unfortunately, it was planted in a patch of tired old tropes that stifled the seeds growth.I wanted to like this book. I wanted to love it. And it started out in such a promising way. The heroine, Alex, is a competent, detail-focused homicide detective who has overcome horrible trauma in her past. The hero, Aramael, is a hunting angel, who, okay, broods and reads poetry, but is framed by an interestingly bureaucratic Heaven. The bad guy is a fallen angel

There are so many things I loved about this story... starting with the fact it takes place in Toronto, a place I've lived and love! I also really liked the research the Author did on Angels, and what She took from the Bible about Lucifer's betrayal and how a 1/3 of all the Angel's fell from Heaven. I liked that She acknowledged that Angel's 'chose' to follow Lucifer.The Author also had the Angel's have families and Soul-mates before the Fall... and after the Fall, God took the Angel's free will,

What a fantastic read! I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed this book.  It's fair to say I read a heck of a lot of genre fiction, and because of that, and because I know paranormal and fantasy books aren't everyone's cup of tea, I can't often give blanket recommendations. Instead, it's usually with caveats like, "You might like this if you like books about angels", or "If you like to read about hot vampire sex, this might be your thing". This series, though, is so... classy, so well-written and

I had two problems with the book: 1. The use of GD. 2. Facts about God, certain aspects of the angels, and small pieces of history involving them. I mean I totally understand the purpose behind it but I felt like some things should not have been changed on the God aspect. Other than those two things I really liked the book. It was really interesting how the author portrayed the angels and how they talk to one other. With all that said, I have already bought book 2 and cannot wait to read it!

What I liked:Well, it was a quick read, I grant you. Well paced, entertaining even. Most of the book consists of a hunt of a demonic killer who is simply too sadistic to live. It was also funny but I dont think it was done deliberately by the authorrather my skewed sense of humour I suppose. The world build was a mix of angel mythology (or rather angelology) and murder suspense making this book another example of Dark Urban Fantasy. Overall not bad. The main heroine, Alex, was your usual


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